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Giorgio Tesi Group

Leading company in Europe in the field of plant nurseries for the production of ornamental plants, and acreage. In addition to the see of Pistoia, Giorgio Tesi Group owns other 4 branches located in Grosseto, Orbetello (Gr), Piadena (Cr), San Benedetto del Tronto (AP).
The Group produces all the species and varieties of plants that require the European and extra European market, from young plants to large specimens, geometric shapes to trees for cities and the avenues, plants for the garden center and large-scale distribution, for all climatic zones, for the various types of green areas, public and private sectors. The production is now on over 500 hectares (360 for crops in open land, potted and 16 125 covered greenhouses and ombrari).
Our company opens its doors to all lovers of plants and gardening enthusiasts eager to spend some of their time in contact with professionals and industry experts to answer all their questions, and not only on care and maintenance of plants.
Our goal is to live an experience, apart from visiting the nursery, will be involved by our agronomists in activities and practical exercises of pruning and grafting. An opportunity to see the more than 700 varieties of plants to one of the largest garden centres in Europe, beginning with those typical pistoian district known around the world for their beauty and their originality.
An experience for those who already have knowledge and familiarity with plants and want to improve themselves, but also for those who simply want to live a new experience in contact with nature.



Via di Badia, 14 Bottegone Pistoia - 0573 530051 -

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